Health Concerns

GMVS focuses on health of women and children. Health status of women and infants is miserable in the rural communities due to lack of awareness, education and available resources. The organisation is active in focusing on the health of women and children through its reproductive and child health initiatives. RCH initiatives focus on the vaccination of the pregnant women and infants, proper nutrition and health education through community interactions.


Working with rural women over a period of time has made it clear that the women suffer from numerous gynaecological problems for which no diagnostic and treatment facilities exist. The organisation trains local birth attendants of the villages so that complications at the local level can be dealt with. To provide necessary medical assistance to the women, periodical gynaecological camps are also organised to diagnose and treat such problems. Besides inviting lady doctors, arrangements for pathological investigations and sonography are also made during the camps.

Under community action part, health committees are being formed in the respective villages of the project area. These health committees take care of village health activities. Health education is an essential characteristic of health committees. The committees also monitor the services delivered in the particular village by government functionaries.

Of late GMVS has started providing health services through Mobile Health Clinic in 12 villages in Sri Nagar tehsil of Ajmer district. So far 17,380 patients have been provided treatment through the Mobile Health Clinic. For detailed report of the progress of Mobile Health Clinic, please click here.
