Brief History

Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan is based in Ajmer district of Rajasthan. Like many other districts of Rajasthan, Ajmer district too is a rain deficient district. For a couple of years, this deficient rain too has registered a decline. Ground water table is steadily declining and drinking water problem has assumed serious proportion. Nature and cattle have been affected in the worst possible form. Life is really shattered in the area.

Main occupation of the people in the area is agriculture and animal husbandry. Because of lack of rainfall, agriculture work is not possible and without agriculture animal husbandry cannot be imagined. These factors have affected livelihood of people and their economic hardships have increased. Migration is the order of the day, adversely affecting women and children and leading to increase in child labour.

The common problems of the area are child marriages, illiteracy, girls education, etc. Gender discrimination is rampant as a vast segment of population lays emphasis on the education of boys instead of girls and gives priority to boys over girls in all sections of life. Women have least participation in the society they cannot take decisions independently and do not have participation in developmental activities.

With a view to get rid of the above mentioned problems and to get control over discriminations in the society, the organisation is making efforts ever since its inception. It is working in several domains like education, health, women development, child development, child labour eradication, girl education, environment, improved agriculture, drought mitigation, employment generation, etc., with its experienced workers. In this pursuit, GMVS is getting financial and technical support from various organisations.

GMVS registered under the provisions of the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act (Act 28) of 1958 vide registration number 52 of 1998-99 and is permitted to receive foreign funds vide FCRA registration number 125410040 assigned by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. It has tax exemption status under section 12-AA and 80-G of the Income Tax Act 1961. TAN number allocated to the organisation is JDHG10077E.